Thứ Hai, 21 tháng 10, 2013

A celebration of male couples and an ordinary happiness part 3

Washington Post 5/23/13: "The Republican Party is between a rock and a hard place: If they continue their vocal opposition to gay rights, they will continue to turn off young voters."
I believe there are individuals who would rather watch the graphic display of two 18 year old men shooting each other to death than to watch those same men in love with each another. Historically, it seems that many humans have embraced violence and death before love, peace and harmony - especially when it pertains to love and compassion between two men.
In my opinion, biblical scriptures have demonstrated an ignorant understanding of the laws of nature (remember not so long ago when the church would prosecute scientists who said the earth was round and not flat?). If the major religions understood nature well, why have they not been at the forefront of environmental advocacy? And why has their doctrine taught that nature is something to be managed and manipulated by humans rather than respected and learned from? It seems these teachings consider humans separate from (and superior to) nature when quite the opposite is true. We are an integral part of nature and nature is far more intelligent than any human could even comprehend.
Scientists continue to be humbled by the force of nature and many admit that humans know very little about the laws of the universe. It seems that humans are still on a relatively low level of evolutionary development and are consequently eager to embrace any absolute and comparatively simplistic teaching - like the bible - in their quest for comprehending the unknown.
I believe it is a tragedy that humans know so little about nature. For if we were enlightened, we probably would not currently be on a trajectory to environmental catastrophe with only scant collective resolve for any real corrective efforts.
Since homosexuality is not a choice (I know from personal experience), and since the human capacity for love is universal, and since the history books indicate an overwhelming proof of a rich diversity in human sexual orientation as ancient as recorded history, it is obvious that the homosexual expression is as natural as the heterosexual one. In today's overcrowded world, we should celebrate, not despise, the capacity for humans to be productive members of society and to love one anther without HAVING to produce offspring. While fisheries collapse and natural resources dwindle from overpopulation, some religious zealots would still insist that reproduction is a mandatory product of any sanctioned love affair between two humans.
These three videos, are a compilation of images, posted throughout the Internet, of gay male couples. Some of the photos can be found on and The music is from my personal purchased collection of converted CDs. The videos was created using the Apple iMovie application.
The videos are a tribute to generations of gay people who have gone before us, to those who have been stoned to death - and to those who continue to be prosecuted, incarcerated and executed in some parts of the world today - because of their very nature - because of who they are - all because of the lack of understanding of nature by humans. Imagine, humans know so little about nature, they don't even understand the diversity of sexual expression within their own species!
While we may have a limited understanding of natural laws, we do understand the feeling of love and compassion. Perhaps its time that humans celebrate the universal love and compassion amongst all of us rather than continuing the counterproductive and unfruitful hate mongering of segregation and condemnation. In my estimation, the few religious extremists who still exist will continue to dwindle down into obscurity as the older generations die off and as humans continue on their path to a brighter united future.
These videos are a celebration of the human spirit and of the capacity to love despite so much hatred in the world. May those in love be allowed to love with public recognition of their relationships through marriage. There is no longer any reason why gay equality and a strong commitment to family values need ever again conflict. To the contrary, a strong society seeks ways to support both. This equality of course should extend to those whose lovers are continents away, for they should be allowed to reunite through inclusive immigration reform. And above all, may those who work and contribute to society be allowed to keep their jobs despite of who they are at the very core of their beings; to live a normal life without fear of discrimination and job loss.
If humans were at a higher stage of development, surely nobody would have to wish for these commonsense characteristics expected of any civilized society.

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